SSO Application
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Last updated
The Applications provides a robust interface for administrators to integrate third-party applications with the platform and deliver a Single Sign-On (SSO) dashboard for users. This feature simplifies access management and enhances user convenience by offering a centralized hub for multiple applications.
Click on the Connect New Application On the Right Corner
Below are the application types we offer.
Office 365
1. Provider Details
This section captures the basic details about the application provider.
Provider Name (Required):
Enter the unique name of the application provider.
Example: Google Auth
Provider Display Name (Required):
Enter the display name of the provider, which will appear in the user interface.
Example: Google
Provider Display Logo (Optional):
Provide a URL for the provider’s logo that will be displayed alongside the application name.
Enable (Toggle): Use this toggle to activate or deactivate the provider. Default: Disabled.
2. Connector String
This section collects details for connecting to the application.
Client Id (Required): Enter the client ID provided by the application provider.
Client Secret (Required): Provide the client secret for authentication.
Tenant Id (Required): Enter the tenant ID associated with the application.
Domain (Required):
Specify the domain name for the application.
3. Sync Settings
This section manages data synchronization settings.
Sync Trigger Frequency (Required): Select the frequency at which data synchronization should occur. Options might include:
Every 1 Minutes
Every 5 Minutes
Every 10 Minutes
Every 15 Minutes
Google Workspace:
1. Provider Details
This section captures general information about the SSO provider.
Provider Name (Required):
Enter the unique name of the provider. This is used for identification purposes.
Example: GoogleAuth
Provider Display Name (Required):
Specify the name to be displayed in the user interface.
Example: Google
Provider Display Logo (Required):
Provide a URL pointing to the logo image of the provider.
Enable (Toggle): Enable or disable the SSO provider. Default: Disabled.
2. Config
This section collects essential configuration details for connecting to the SSO provider.
Client Details
Client Id (Required): Enter the unique identifier for the client application.
Project Id (Required): Specify the project ID associated with the application provider.
Private Key Id (Required): Provide the private key ID used for authentication.
Private Key (Required): Enter the private key in the designated input box.
Client Email (Required): Enter the client email associated with the application.
Auth URI (Required):
Provide the URL for authentication requests.
Token URI (Required):
Specify the endpoint for token retrieval.
Auth Provider URI (Required):
Enter the URL for the authentication provider.
Client URL (Required): Provide the client URL for the application.
Admin Email (Required): Enter the administrator's email address for managing the application.
Universe Domain (Required):
Specify the domain name of the application provider.
Scopes (Required): Add the required scopes for the application. Click the + button to add multiple scopes.
Domain (Required): Specify the domain for the client’s application.
3. Sync Settings
This section allows users to define synchronization settings.
Sync Trigger Frequency (Required): Select the frequency at which synchronization occurs. Example options include:
Every 1 Minutes
Every 5 Minutes
Every 10 Minutes
Every 15 Minutes
Rest API
The form is divided into three primary sections: Provider Details, Config, and Apps.
1. Provider Details
This section is used to define the basic information about the provider.
Provider Name (Required):
Enter a unique name for the provider. This name is used for internal identification purposes.
Example: SkillmineSSO
Provider Display Name (Required):
Specify the name that will be displayed in the user interface.
Example: Skillmine
Provider Display Logo (Required):
Provide the URL of the provider's logo to visually identify it in the UI.
Enable (Toggle): Use this toggle to enable or disable the provider. Default: Disabled.
2. Config
This section collects critical configuration details for connecting to the application.
Login URL (Required):
Provide the login URL for the application.
3. Apps
This section allows you to define and manage multiple applications associated with the provider.
App Display Name (Required):
Enter the name of the application to be displayed in the interface.
Example: Skillmine Dashboard
App Landing Page (Required):
Specify the login or landing page URL for the app.
App Display Logo (Required):
Provide a URL pointing to the app's logo. This is displayed alongside the app's name.
Enable (Toggle): Use this toggle to enable or disable the application. Default: Disabled.
Adding Multiple Apps
To add more applications:
Click the + Add More Apps button.
A new set of fields will appear
1. Provider Details
Defines the basic provider information.
Provider Name (Required):
Enter a unique name for the provider.
Example: SkillmineSSO
Provider Display Name (Required):
Enter the name that will be displayed in the interface.
Example: Skillmine
Provider Display Logo (Required):
Provide a URL for the provider's logo.
Client ID (Dropdown): Select the client associated with this provider.
Enable (Toggle): Use this toggle to enable or disable the provider. Default: Disabled.
2. Config
Allows the user to manage certificate settings for SAML integration.
Certificates Section:
Signing Certificate:
Certificate: Paste the signing certificate content.
Signing SHA256 Certificate:
Thumb Print: Displays the certificate's SHA256 thumbprint.
Finger Print: Displays the certificate's fingerprint.
Download Signing Certificate: Button to download the signing certificate.
Encryption Certificate:
Certificate: Paste the encryption certificate content.
SHA256 Certificate:
Thumb Print: Displays the certificate's SHA256 thumbprint.
Finger Print: Displays the certificate's fingerprint.
Download Encryption Certificate: Button to download the encryption certificate.
3. SP Meta Data
SP Meta Data (Required): Paste or enter the Service Provider Metadata in this field.
4. IDP Initiated Login
Enable IDP Initiated Login (Toggle): Use this toggle to enable or disable IDP-initiated login. Default: Disabled.
5. SAML Assertion Response Attribute Mapping Setting
Configure mapping of SAML assertion attributes for successful login payloads.
Enter the variable name to be used in Office 365 or another system.
Example: Office 365 variable name
Select Datatype (Dropdown): Choose the datatype for the variable. Options include String, Number, etc.
Select Auth Variable (Dropdown): Map the variable to an existing authentication user information variable.
Add Button (+): Click the + button to add more mapping configurations.
6. Apps
Configure the applications associated with the SSO provider.
App Display Name (Required):
Enter the name of the app to be displayed in the interface.
Example: Skillmine Dashboard
App Landing Page (Required):
Provide the landing page URL for the application.
App Display Logo (Required):
Enter the URL for the app's logo.
Enable (Toggle): Use this toggle to enable or disable the app. Default: Disabled.
Add More Apps: Click the + Add More Apps button to add multiple applications.