Create and integrate the first application
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In the sidebar click the “Blueprints” menu and click “Create Blueprint” Button. It is a central control point of the Auth. It holds all the necessary settings and configs for the application workflow. (You can think of a rule set that controls login, registration and all the self-service flows)
It asks for the Basic details and general config for the Blueprint.
Client details: Let the Blueprint know what client is involved in this workflow. Each type of application needs its own client with a specific type. (Example, mobile applications need to get the refresh token with PKCE flow which is not permitted in the other client types but only in Mobile Client.)
In the new client page fill the Client details by providing “Name”,” Logo URL”, choose which type of application you'd like to integrate
Server to Server : This client is used in applications that run at server level (which have no direct interaction with the UI). Ie, Background job, Spark applications, Kafka consumer applications
Client Side : is an app that runs in a web browser, which updates the page with the new data from the server without loading entire new pages. E.g., React DOM app, Vue app, and Angular app.
Mobile: is an app that runs in a mobile environment. E.g., iOS app, Android app.
Server side: is an app that renders and updates pages by the web server alone. E.g., JSP, PHP, ASP.Net MVC.
Desktop: Applications run as a windows app or mac or Linux native app. (Thick client)
CIBA Server: A CIBA server handles decoupled user authentication, enabling secure token issuance for client applications via backchannel communication protocols.
Forgot Password Settings: In this, it gets the visibility settings and how it should behave on failure and successfull password reset.
Template Settings: configure which template to use on the self-service actions like register, password reset, etc.
Hosted Pages: Select what UI theme it is going to use for this flow.
Password Policy: Select what policy you like to apply for this flow.
Captcha configuration: Select from the configured google captcha list.
Once the flow is saved, it allows you to configure additional settings. For the Login and Registrations.
Login Settings:
Login settings are divided into 2 parts: pre-login and post-login.
Pre-Login: Stage between user entering his password and validating a password.
2. Post-Login Configuration: Stage between verified password and generated token.
Registration Settings:
Registration settings are also divided into 2 types: pre-register and post-register.
Once the flow is fully configured in the saved flow list page click the eye icon to see the integration details. Once you navigate into the flow view page you will see the login and registration links. Copy that link and integrate it into your application.
Now time integrate into your application:
Copy the registration URL and replace the registration link in your portal/site/application. From this moment whenever your portal user will get redirected to the Auth system and auth handles the registration for you. In the same way, the login is also handled.