Enable social sign-in

In the sidebar click Settings -> Login Providers to navigate to the login provider settings page.

Auth supports various login providers Social, Enterprise, SAML, Raw OpenID connect, etc.

In this click the Social login providers.

In this you will get a list of available social login providers. From this list enable the social provider you want.

Enabling social login is a 2 step process.

Step 1 is to configure the details in the auth side

Step 2 is to configure the details in the selected social provider.

Once it is configured in the social provider’s developers page you will get the client id and secret (or equivalent value) and that needs to be updated back in the Auth system.

Enable in the flow settings

Once you enable the selected login provider in this page. You have to enable that in the flow so that it will be reflected in the auth’s login and registration page.

Enable in the Registration page

In the Flow -> Pre-Registration Configuration -> Provider Configuration

Enable In the Login page

In the Flow -> Pre-Login Configuration -> Provider Configuration

Once this is enabled you can see this in the login/registration page as a secondary login/register provider.

Last updated